Jun 15, 2008

Pool Party - Oh Yeah!

Esther Williams, eat your heart out!

Jun 7, 2008

Mom & I have many Social Obligations

Showdown at the Gymboree Corral
I'm pretty sure I can fend them off with this.
Ah! The tables have turned!
Then we went to a Mommy & Me picnic with our Parent Ed class.
Are we having fun yet?

Jun 1, 2008

Sunday in the Park with Dad

Annabel tried out the Griffith Park carousel for the second time . . . and cried. She's not too sure about all that up-down-around all at once. But she had fun with Daddy.

Beans & Rice

Annabel will always be content in a Mexican restaurant, we've found. Just give her some beans and rice to shovel in and she's a happy camper.

Playing in the Backyard

I can eat this, right? It's just like rocks and dirt? Yum!
Annabel is trying out her new vehicles. Trike from Grandma & Grandpa, and car from Aunt Lisa & Uncle Bryan -- thanks, everyone! She's getting the hang of it.

Crawling around in our newly lush grass, thanks to Daddy who did a good bit of landscaping.
Upside down is a favored position.